KSDM - 2025 - Seasonal Times of The Age [T.B.C - To Be Continued] (-Fullness of the Times-) That We Are In & Witnessing [-A Short Doctrine/Teaching Outlook on People's Earthwide Manifest "Behaviour/Activity-]

 KSDM - 2025 - Seasonal Times of The Age [T.B.C - To Be Continued] (-Fullness of the Times-) That We Are In & Witnessing [-A Short Doctrine/Teaching Outlook on People's Earthwide Manifest "Behaviour/Activity-]


By : KSDM - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - TeQ NiQ


According to the last post made on the #RMFSTCSI, #Partakers3 and all other blogs in refference to a specific witness I had surrounding the 14th of February and the actual nature of ongoing not only in the demographic that I witnessed it and what has actualy been ongoing for quite some time wether people like to admit it or not, there are some things that so many deterantly neglect to notice concerning Spiritband Truth reality as all community of communities up to individual actualy are in the midst of either processing, actively dealing with overcoming, or otherwise only just begining to realise the truth of that is right before their very eyes.

In this Short write out, because the entire esrth is a vast cascade of individuals, People's, nations, tribes, Tongues and their co-ordinate ongoing as time passes, I will use two examples of mention that I myself am very familiar with and from where quite many it not all others can be noted of the same nature, but to keep in mind the vastness of mention besides any singular context of application seeing that everybody amongst each other have various differing situations and growth-full ongoing.


What I noticed from the last mentioned post's witness; because of Faith Based foundation and all it entails according to how people outwork and work out themselves according to their consciencial belief and the extremely large number of things that Faith itself entails and consist of concerning People's Activity amongst one another, is a basic observation of such kinds of "Superstitious Collapsing Upon Itself/Themselves", which in the case of these two example I will stick to can be understood as much as their simplicity entails and consists of.

The two examples I am giving are from any and all of my experience having been born in Zimbabwe and raised in various places, also having residence in the U.S.A. and spending enough time though past, as well as other parts of Africa such as South Africa (- few details one can find in the biography blog https://TeQNiQLifeStory.Blogspot.com -).

Since there are so many people commiting very illicit and disgusting acts of criminal activity between men and women, even using the very essence of the male and female difference in so many Balsphrmous ways and evil insisting towards others also made in God's image, the likes of what can be noted in Elijah-Elisha's Jezabel encounter(s) which are of more vastness than the flour and cottage moments where Elisha went to visit "the son's of the prophets" along with God's assurance to Elijah that He has reserved such 1000 people who have not "bowed their 'knee(s)' " to baal(-been given to do/concoct/entice/spread & nurture evil(s)-, such "FLOUR IN THE POTTAGE MOMENT(s)" where is revealed of all that CHRIST IS THE FLOUR IN THE-OUR POTTAGE OF ALL EXISTENCE EVEN MANKIND OURSELVES, this being the very dealing with things in Zimbabwe and all over Africa by the token coinage of titles sake called  "Zodzwa" in shona but of a little "slangishness"; which consists of such evils where people use the excretion of sexual reproduction organs of either male or female to cause damage to any health of either men or women; a lot of times to cause divisions, mutilate the flesh of those affected BY UNAWARES/AWARES, attempts to terminate pregnancies or simply draw apart any members of society and even dignitaries concerning their oneness of flesh in Christ to manipulate social order and cause alarm by unrest and weary mindfulness amongst people of all ages; SIMOLY BY THEIR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE CONCERNING THE WORD OF GOD AND OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S SELFSAME INDWELLING HOLY SPIRIT OF LIFE AND THAR ETERNAL BEING THE "ALL OVERIDE(s)" OF SUCH ACTIVITY/ACTIVITIES ***FROM THE INSIDE OUT AS WELL AS THE MENTIONED ATTEMPTED-NESS' TARGET(s); wether of person(s) or situation(s) circumstance(s).

This sort of activity being very shameful for as many that would not care to describe it or find it "taboo" to talk about does cause as many that are in the dark to falter and fearfuly react in the wrong manner or place trust in the wrong sorts of people or kinds of reaction to any such ongoings, often falling prey to the very kinds of people who's works of darkness are as such, and more so manipulative towards  the fearful and unaware, TO BE EXACT; THE OVERLY AND MAN MADE DOCTRINE BASED SUPERSTITIOUS KINDS OF PEOPLE. 

At this point of writting; it is to note that INTERSATIVITY WITH ***PEOPLE*** SHOULD BE APPROPRIATELY KNOWN APART FROM SUCH DOINGS OF OTHERS OR THEMSELVES GIVEN THE VASTNESS OF NATURE THAT CONSIST OF LIFE'S NECESSITY AND ONGOING(s) OF EARTHWIDE STEWARDSHIP(s) OF THE FRUIT(s) OF THE EARTH AND LIFE ITSELF ETC. (-e.g. - till workers at shops and other service providers/provisions and community stewardships THAT ARE NOT AS MUCH ABLE TO AVOID THE FACT THAT SUCH PEOPLE EXIST, and more so considering of/in Christ LOVE FOR ONE'S ENEMIES, which for so many is exaggerated by man made mindsets of trying to fight fire with fire, otherwise given the same heart-felt nature of those that do these kinds of things-)


What I have noted for the sakes of these two examples Having Lived in The USA and Being a Resisdent Zimbabwean, is that THE ATTACKS OF SUCH NATURE AND THE TARGET(s) ARE ALWAYS AFFECTUALY SURROUNDING ***PERSONAL-DIRECT(-ive) OF PEOPLE THEMSELVES ; always targeting the very people of question or answer, and being such kind of intimidation WANTING THE OBJECTS AND THINGS OF PERSONAL BELONGING, such kind(s) of mentalities being THOSE THAT DO NOT **WANT** TO RELENT UNTIL THE ACTUAL DEATH, HARM; TORMENT, OR ANY AFFECT OF &**PERSON(s)***; often and usualy forgetting the falling of such doings upon the very people that do them before any chance towards ANYONE IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH OF JESUS CHRIST BY OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S SELF-SAME INDWELLING HOLY SPIRIT OF LIFE. 

The difference for the example concerning the United States of America, is THE ATTACKS OF SUCH NATURE AND TARGET(s) BEING ON THE PERSONAL BELONG(s) OF PEOPLE(s), in plainer words so to speak, revolving around items and infrastructural destructiveness with attempts to disoriented or cause the same kind of confusion by means of affecting any such targetted people, THE ONLY SUFFICE OF RELENT OR ESCAPE-ING RESULTANT :perhaps for those who even DO these things in unawares : is complete and utter ceasefire, or lack of things to indirectly-destroy, which can lead to false senses of peace or what would seem like "spell breaking" concerning any example of "sacred objects", more so to note that concept void of entirely selective randomness and inconsistency of "specific object" other than the reason being to affect the mentioned targetted people(s)/person(s).

In the case of both of these examples; is the one-in-the-same nature of directive and wilful outworking THAT IS TO BE NOTED, why these two examples are fitting, because Zimbabwe's physical infrastructure and social ongoings surrounding (-example-) DO NOT EVEN HAVE A 24 HOUR LIFE-CYCLE(-standard-), unlike the example of places like the United States that have it EXTREMELY NORMAL TO EVEN GO GROCERY SHOPPING AT 2PM OR MIDNIGHT EVEN WITH FAMILY, EDUCATION, RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AND THE LIKES OF THOSE THINGS FOUND DURING THE DAY, while Zimbabwe today still, this being 2025 and WITH IT'S RAPID GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT(s), for instance Having invested interest in Electric Cars and Technological productivity with all it's/their facets, is still yet to have such mentioned basic logistics of daily concern, e.g. for electric cars (-and this also applying for extremely developed nations-), any "Longest Border-to-Border" distsance of even traveling with electric motor vehicles concerning Liberty's Perfection of Navigation and the Basic issue of "FUELING/RE-FUELING", where the obvious made note of rural travel with such vehicle may bring to light as many suggestive necessities of consideration(s), ***THE CONTEXT FOR THESE TWO EXAMPLES BEING FAR TOO OBVIOUS IN THE KINDS OF ONGOINGS THAT I HAVE HIGHLIGHTED ONLY IN ONE SINGLE AREA OF THE 2-KINGS-5 FLOUR IN THE POTTAGE EXAMPLE, but for fuller understanding being found amongst the contrast of infrastructure and means of strategic kinds of attacking(s) given between the two mentioned demographs, OBVIOUSLY SURROUNDING FAITH BASED FOUNDATIONAL BEHAVIOURAL-CHARACHTERISTIC OUTWORKING OF SELVES, so that anyone can even for their individual self MAINTAIN UNDERSTANDING OF THE ACTUAL REASONING AND COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING OF ONGOING FOR THEIR SITUATION(s) OR COLLECTIVE SITUATION(s).


Since the begining of 2025, anyone in the Eastern most of Zimbabwe can tell that there have been heavy rains, SIGNIFICANTLY for sakes of 2024's year start having been EXACTLY ON A MONDAY FOR THE 1ST OF JANUARY FOR THE YEAR, *** THE WEEK OF MONDAY TO SUNDAY MARKING 2023 UEAR ENE HAVING EVERY SINGLE DAY RAINY AS IF TO GIVE US A "**SUNNY SUN-DAY**" ON THE 31ST OF DEC NEW YEARS OF 2023, THE NEXT DAY BEING A MONDAY FOR THE 1ST OF THE YEAR *** :---> *** These things being HIGHLY SIGNIFICANT of the "**state of the National Weather**" for the PAST DECADE of 10 Years, so to speak of the fact that "**THUNDER AND LIGHTNING**" we're not any notable kind whenever having rains AND SEEMED TO HAVE ABRUPTLY STOPPED THE HEAVY SOUND MAKING DURING STORMY RAIN OR HEAVY RAIN AROUND 2013-14, 2015-2019 HAVING THAT PATTERN OF ***USUALY*** THUNDERLESS OR LIGHTNING-LESS RAIN, NOW TO NOTE THE SPECIFIC KINDS OF THUNDER AND LIGHTNING,  **IF EVER ANY**, given to understanding of some of the kinds of things that are undergone in the Nation's demographic regioning of Zimbabwe's SADC positioning, E.G. -> the kinds of people who still in 2025 today like or want to assume that there are any rituals or doings that make it rain, almost as if any argument of "Praying For Rain", which it really is not and more to whims of "BUYING GOD'S FAVOUR FOR IT TO RAIN"-(paying for it to rain-), such thinkings coming from very deep rooted godlessness that also COME TO THE REASON OF WHY THERE HAVE BEEN SUCH ABRUPTLY HEAVY ON AND OFF RAININGS AND THEIR PATTERNS SPECIFIC WITH THE ONLY NOTE OF 2KINGS5 ISSUES IN CONCERNS OF THE VERY WATER TABLES AND UNDERGROUND WATER STREAMS ***WHICH ARE TARGETS USED TO AFFECT GOD'S PEOPLE***, as mentioned such kind of belief system in the Shona wording of "Zodzwa" and the surrounding matters of "....Jesus Christ being our flour in the pottage of existence, especialy Mankind Ourselves made in God the Father's Image...", as much meaning for the purifying and restoration of these mentioned underground water tables that many we're attempting to corrupt with bodily fluids of jezabel, balak and balam/nicoliatan secualy immoral teaching and doctrine(s).

It should be noted that quite some periods of steam as in the mist one usualy finds at mornings are a next step to the process of the refurbishment concerning our environment as our Heavenly Father is very displeased with the mentioned Jezabel doctrine's abuse of so many innocent.


Metro Peach Wholesale Mutare (2024-2025)

One day on my first to seek wholesale packaging of 2 minute noodles here in 2025's January, I recalled 2023-2024 having heavy activity of two mentions that I can note, 1 being a video of people stopping on a heavily packed crossroads behind the Metro Peach Mutare Wholesalers where public transport is located, and the commotion of truckload dancing around with a coffin and other cars circling, it unclear if it was a general funeral or a strange pastor's funeral given the nature of it, ANOTHER TIME WHEN GETTING GROCERIES AT ANOTHER SHOP ACROSS FROM METRO PEACH, SEEING A MAN WITH CREAM WHITE SLIGHTLY YELLOWED SLUDGE ALL OVER HIS BODY OF TEE SHIRT TOP AND SHORTS CROSSING THE ROAD TO WHERE A CAR WAS PARKED AND TAKING HIS SHIRT OFF TO PUT ANOTHER ONE ONE AS OTHERS WHOM WE'RE ALSO DRESSED IN THE MASOWE KIND OF CLOTHING ALSO STOOD BY THE CAR AS HE RETURNED FROM THE METRO PEACH'S DIRECTION, myself further recalling another similar time to this August 2023 SADC DEFENCE SEAT MOVING FROM ZAMBIA TO TANZANIA ON THE EASTERN MOZAMBIQUAN BORDER DIRECTION, *** ---> ALSO HAVING TO DO WITH THR 2KINGS5 MENTION OF SUCH A METRO PEACH OCCURENCE.

- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM

(-------T.B.C. ------TO BE CONTINUED --------)