(1)DORKS, (2)NERDS, and (3)GEEKS - : WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND APPLICATION(comm-un-ity-activ-itation) [**A "Technological 'Spirit and Truth Breakdown' "**]
(1)DORKS, (2)NERDS, and (3)GEEKS - : WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND APPLICATION(comm-un-ity-activ-itation) : [**A "Technological 'Spirit and Truth Breakdown' "**]
...... You know, it comes to place that because a lot of stuborm "dorks" have criticized "Nerds" towards the overlay of GUI conception, and made it as if the obvious stance towards the metrics on the "Grid-Icon-Interface" being either a matrice(matrix) of multiples of 3, there is much revealed by the initial argument that 3x4 was a standard begining for general across the board both from and to smallest placement of liquid crystal display units, namely for the android phone or any tablet-ular cellular device with Graphics-User-Interface(GUI), as you know you "OneUI" has been the massive leap in sand-box-security technology for user end safety causalty, to note that the 3x3 makes the solid "breach-(alert)-"free"-sand-box" that the usual start from 3x4 makes 4x4 the next step and only begining AT ODD NUMBER of 5×6, where a 5x5 is answerable to another "from 3x3" concern of "sandboxing", more to also note the 5x4 instead of 4x5 bringing "other-'transient-dimentions' " to the table with security concepts of biometric-level-specific/precision(s) ......
[:***---....(1)-DORKS = Prankster Jokers with intellect and use of technology - VERY MALICIOUS AND EVIL INTENT, (2)-NERDS = nterested one's of informational and educational basis towards implementation progress whatsoever (3)-GEEKS = Wisdom from above implementing and Outreached-Of-Activity towards all of Life's Application(s) of knowledgeable basis by God's standard and NOT Man made hypocricy or dwindling backwards into darkness or blind-ed/-ered mindless-ness...(1)(2)(3) go jand in hand with the proverbial wisdom applicable of all Spirit and Truth's reality with review to earthwide ongoings and all situations and circumstandes of community-collective-individual(s), that you can have all the knowledge in the world and use wrong wisdom of man-made-ness-without-God or any kind of such darkness, and have no good outcomes throughout despite what it appears like, otherwise one can have little knowledge or less tuan expected, having the self-same indwelling Holy-Spirit-Of-Life and Our Heavenly Father's Wisdom From Above, being the same as having abundant knolwedge as Our Heavenly Father intends for all earth-wide-ness in Spirit and Truth Stewardship of The Fruits of The Earth and Life which include knowledge experience which have education with them concerning Teaching amd Doctrine amongst Spirit and Truth Community of Brothers and Sisteds of all kinds of ages and kinds of people.... ----***:]
[*-we do hope you can understand 2G 3G (2+3G=5G) "and you can very well rest there?!?" - : - 5×6 : Matrice issues - star topography & networking/-s-*]
Keeping your android or osx phone display on "Home Screen Only" without the secocnd layer, and to have the 5x6 or whichever ODD number 1st matrix of columns does that little bit to help secure your GUI interface using and ongoings while your phone is online and repeatedly offline or etc concerning background running applications that Have been on entire complete amd massive crackdown since before 2000.
- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM