INSTITUTIONALISM - Your Relationship with God IS NOT validated by your Institutional Affiliation/Recognition/Association (-BEWARE OF FALSE DOCTRINE's INVALIDATION OF PEOPLE/PERONS-)

INSTITUTIONALISM - Your Relationship with God IS NOT validated by your Institutional Affiliation/Recognition/Association (-BEWARE OF FALSE DOCTRINE's INVALIDATION OF PEOPLE/PERONS-)

Regardless of "Institutionalism" and so many people's inability to dofferenciate Our Heavenly Father's Outworking on the face of the earth in Soirit and Truth of e.g. the Book Of Revelation's speaking of "THE 'KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD' BECOMING THE KINGDOM'S OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER(Lord)", and what that actualy means, SO MANY PEOPLE AVOID TO REALISE THAT even the man made definition dodging any relevance that A PERSON THEMSELVES **IS INFACT AN INSTUTION** WETHER THEY HAVE *A "WORLDLY VALIDATED JOB" OR NOT/MONEY OR NOT/THINGS/ITEMS OR NOT/OTHER PEOPLE INTERESTED IN THEM OR NOT**, literaly from birth and conception in the womb always being VALID PEOPLE AND PRICELESS IN GOD'S EYES AS WE SHOULD ALL SEE THROUGH WITHOUT PREJUDICE AND SUCH MAN-MADE-DISGUST that the world's doctrine and kinds of thinking or mentalities try to impose on their actual existence and continual growth amongst contrast and consisting Earth-Wide Spirit-and-Truth Community.

The thought and ideology that "INSTITUTIONALISM VALIDATES ANYONE" as saved or not saved, part of Christ or not of Christ, Believing or not believing, IS VERY MUCH ABOMINABLE TO OUR HEAVRBLY FATHER, it only making sense that the more that claim or think themselves in any kind of perfection or basing with foundational reasoning towards their relationship with God and any Spiritual Progress and Growth with experience in Life Itself, IS EXTREMELY OUTRAGEOUS, and only a matter of time before as many wake up to the same kind of FALLING AWAY that we have witnessed through certain terminology like "New-Age" in refference to "RELIGIOUS-ASSOCIATION" and any community efforts in venture of TRYING TO FORMALIZE the kinds of description of what JESUS CHRIST AND THE WORD OF GOD HAS ALREADY DEFINED AS **"CHURCH"**, very much even over-passing the meaning of what is actualy "GATHERING" having only as much sense to note of ongoing being "TEACHING AND DOCTRINE", aside from the usual " 'coming from' or 'going to' " expressions that are used to describe "Church", which is actualy "gathering" for any kinds of community and infrastructural facilitation and exhortation continuity, however being at the expense of accessible lack and restrictions of the babylonian system's tying of giving and receiving to receiving and giving, e.g. anyone whom would need to deal with their registration and identification documentation at lack of funding, ARE COMPLETELY UNABLE ON THEIR OWN TO (*A*) PAY FOR IT, AND SECCONDLY (*B*) TRANSPORT THEMSELVES BACK AND FORTH FOR THE COMPLETE PROCESS AS WELL AS AFFORD THEIR DAILY LIVES NECESSITY OF EATING AND DRINKING, CLOTHING THEMSELVES, FACILITATING FOR THEIR OWN HOUSEHOLDS AND GENERAL IMMEDIATE COMMUNITIES, RECREATIONAL ANYTHING(s) OF BASIC LIFE AND IT'S LIBERTY, EDUCATING EXPERIENCING AND APPLYING THEMELSVES, EVEN FOR ANY SUCH KIND OF ENGAGEMENT (e.g. if ever and even needing to vote or know whom or what they are voting for concerning parliamentary, legislative anything before only considering "presidential voting" which are all couplingly affective to entire outcomes of whatever times-), WHICH ARE WITHOUT QUESTION.

For sakes of Religious "Institutions", THERE IS TRUTHFULY NO SUCH KIND OF THING, but as necessary if people bu any means need or require places of frequent gathering, any kind of "permanence" or temporary always requiring "REGISTRATION" AND ADMINISTRATIVE ACCOUNTABILITY *** ONLY BECAUSE OF THE MAN-MADE BABYLONIAN-CONSTRUCT THAT TIES GIVING TO RECIEVING AND RECIEVING TO GIVING ***, this absolutely without a doubt being one of those matters that causes people to confuse their relationship with God and Our Heavenly Father WHOS SELF-SAME *INDWELLING****HOLY SPIRIT OF LIFE****-(ETERNAL-), as such being witness t our ongoing association-ality across the earthwide community of and in Spirit and Truth amongst all people(s) with Nations, Tribes, and Tongues inclusive by all "societ-ability" of communion in Christ Jesus.



- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David  Murapa - KSDM
