(In-Short-"Version") Technology & Firmamential Interactivity - In & With All Spirit and Truth - #Revelation18SnapBack

Technology & Firmamential Interactivity - In & With All Spirit and Truth - #Revelation18SnapBack

..... so many years with people of man made doctrines Siding having considerable issues such as what some would call "infrared animalies" for that area, having sonogram x-ray's with the same, anything called a "geiger counter" for radiation of the same (-called-)"WAVELENGTH" as a microwave works on, AND ONLY THE AWAY FROM SPIRIT AND TRUTH UNLEARNED thinking of some "co-ordination" with such anoma-litic-alities and many different kinds of people's bodies reactions, their inter-action, specificaly of example for infrared, "thinking it a person", having at least collected more than enough information to note e.g. when someone goes for an x-ray and "something" is anomilated, them thinking it cancer, muscle, tissue damage OR WHATEVER, and having multiples done with completely different results, SUCH **AT LEAST** BEING NOTED AS "SPIRITUALY MANIFEST INTO THE FLESH", but of course that Everything Physicaly Always STARTS IN THE SPIRIT, more to note, for as many that will attempt to totalitarianise anything, THINK THAT THE DEVIL OR DEMONS WILL BE GIVEN ANY BODIES OR 'SO WHATEVER HAVE YOU' TO DWELL IN, why in the word of God we are cautioned toward heeding Teaching/Doctrine that is Sound (-e.g. Every-THING God made is Good - soils, waters above and below  plants and animals-), and these FIRMAMENTIALY-EXTERIORLY things that so many  think have any power over them, really being the very manifest(s) of what is written in the Word of God e.g. the Book of Revelation (-6th Trumpet/Bowl-) where spoken of those things that attack man-kind's idolatry from Our Heavenly Father Knowing and Trying the Hearts of Men (-***unlike people persecuting one-another, though a kind of hand in handness exists but which is useless without ACTUAL DISCERNMENT [**e.g. - The abomination of desolation**] that one cannot get from any "paper certified phd, degree, certificate" of SPIRIT AND TRUTH REALITY***-)......

.....just know that the devil and demons are not getting any bodies, and just like people that are decieved by demonic doctrine and rather group themselves by numbers of Kan made opinions all in part without Our Heavenly Father's fullness that is free for everyone made in His Very OWN Image to Have, the book of Jude also speaks a lot of the kind of departedness mentioned, also to remind people of the Book Of Revelation 17-18/19-20, between people's antichristic scares and such knowing as written "even now there are many anti-christ" people who are anti-Holy-Spirit-Of-Life, there are as many such kinds whom are bred and distraughtly raised in complete darkness without any kind of light, even financed to be surrounded by others to keep them that way, where-in, IT IS NOT SURPRISING THAT ONE OR 10 WOULD GET MAD AND ANGRY FROM AND AT THE 2(3) OF THE 7 HEADED BEAST, these 10 horns burning the babylonian harlot city that ties giving to recieving and receiving to giving with fire, for as much even being clnvinced with many lies that it is anyone's "way of life", no one able to pay their crops to grow, pay for it to rain, or to pay the animals to do their dwelling as we given dominion over them being "food" etc....



- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM