"#DidYouKnow" - That Israel/Jerusalem(-Redeemed as New-Jerusalem as all in Earth-Wide Spirit-And-Truth [*Revelation7/11/14*]-) and It's Surrounding Matters are "also 'en-cumb-antly' " Due to Property rights and "Trust-Fund-Deficit(-ication)" concerning the falleness of the Babylonian Tying of Giving to Receiving and Receiving to Giving?(-Revelation17-18[*19-20*]-)
"#DidYouKnow" - That Israel/Jerusalem(-Redeemed as New-Jerusalem as all in Earth-Wide Spirit-And-Truth [*Revelation7/11/14*]-) and It's Surrounding Matters are "also 'en-cumb-antly' " Due to Property rights and "Trust-Fund-Deficit(-ication)" concerning the falleness of the Babylonian Tying of Giving to Receiving and Receiving to Giving?(-Revelation17-18[*19-20*]-)
A 27-01-25 : (27 January 2025) - #Revelation18SnapBackReminder - "SPIRIT-AND-TRUTH FOOD-FOR-THOUGHT"
Throughout the ongoings concerning the Gaza strip and any other "bank-age" surrounding Israel and their actual earth-wide extents, a lot of people overlooked that the cases concerning tied title-deeds and land oriented over centuries to a milennia(1000 years) is the many basis of reasons for the kinds of conflicts that turn into the individual collectively by the parts and pass of lineage extention and all family tree matters being of logarithmic, logical Exponential growth, also to determine the kinds of nature's of clusters amongst clusters based on men and women young and old, anyone born from 2000 onwards being 25 years old or younger to-date, the kinds of social inter-activities of corresponding ongoings in alternate concern of the above mentioned, even draw as far back any refference towards Abraham's Lineage, by whom The Descendantry of Ishmael and Isaac are still today disputed, though from the Seed of Jacob and Esau with the Dinah Incident of Genesis 34 where Peace had actualy been made between Jew and Gentile(Circumsized or Uncircumsized actualy having erorred in making any circumcision and such otherwiseness than accepting Dinah'# Oneness of Flesh-Being WITHOUT BEING "GIVEN" by man-made 3rd party anyone(s) mutual commitment and consent besides the two of them, IF YOU REMEMBER AS MUCH, THAT ABRAHAM HAD TO SEND SARAH AWAY TO HAVE HER OWN ONENESS OF FLESH-BEING (---Oneness-Of-Flesh-And-Being Meant TO Be eternal Having Man Made In God's Image JUST AS THE Angels ARE ALSO Made IN GOD'S IMAGE (Genensis1:25-27->Re: the words ".....our**God+Angels**[*Eternal*]image....."---).
Just as Ishmael and Isaac Failed to be at peace because of Hagar acting like she was better than Sarah and the actual Significant-Other-Ness of Onenesss-Of-Being, such led to tension and fighting BECAUSE OF MAN-KIND TRYING TO CLAIM MULTIPLE-HUSBANDRY/-WIFERY AS ANY KIND OF TRADITION OR CULTURE OF WHICH IT IS NOT AND CAN NEVER BE SO.
The Descendant writting-led-teaching(s)/-doctrines of Ishmael and Isaac PART WAYS at THE ACTUAL PROMISE IN MESSIANIC ANSWER OF CHRIST BEING IUR HEAVENLY FATHER WAOKING AMONGST US MANIFEST IN THE FLESH AS THROUGH-WHOM-WE-ARE-ALL-MADE CONCERNING ANY-AND-ALL THINGS OF FALLEN-NATURE FOR MAN-KIND FROM THE BEGINING TO BE DONE AWAY WITH AS ALL DARKNESS AND OUTCOME OF FULNESS HAS OF THE ONGOING TIME(s) SET BY/IN/WITH THE HAND(s) OF EETERNIT's BOSSOM, the only differenciation being in THAT VERY SELF-SAME-INDWELLING-HOLY-SPIRIT-OF-LIFE-**INCARNATE** that ever causes the immense discrepancy over such back-datings whenever attemptedly attached to the babylonian fallenenss of tying giving to receiving and receiving to giving, this also mistaken by many as any form of "way-of-life" or to ever falsely considered a tradition/culture, where in is obvious that no one has ever paind for it to rain, for a single breath even while they sleep also to account for in total numbers of breaths in life, no one paying any tollgate to be born in the first place, leaving subject to all elements of exposure the backbone of societal teaching/doctrine and experiential backwardsness in outworking that man-madeness-without-God has reeked upon millions amongst billions of people earth-wide.
Some very mischievous youth also took it upon themselves in sabotagical vigilanté-ism towards protesting being alive or rather "ever born into any such earth-wide conditions", to where either impoverished but pending-of-inherital spousal, children, parenting and surrounding relevancy fell prey to even digital terrorism and such kinds of registrations and consequential destructively riotous activity that we're backdrops by presumptions of face value-ongoings and kinds of situations that have had the Gaza-Strip at the whim of it's actual "Informal-Settlement" crisis.
- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM