Self and Others - AWARENESS - BEING OF CONSCIENCE - (Parts of One's Spirit and Truth Conciencial interact-of-Being)

  AWARENESS - BEING OF CONSCIENCE - (Parts of One's Spirit and Truth Conciencial interact-of-Being)





- We are mindful if we are indeed fully covered and clothed of our own nakedness.

- We are always mindful that all things God Created are good (1Tim4), both for ourselves, as well as for others, and to remind those who are lied to of otherwise.

- We are always mindful that Our Eternal Oneness Of Flesh & Being and Life are hidden in Christ, Transparently as we are of Spirit and Truth, presently having or not having the other mutual person of Oneness of Flesh and Being in Christ.

- We are Mindful of having or not having our other person of Eternal Oneness of Flesh & Being at any time of present amongst other brothers and sisters each of their own Eternal Oneness of Flesh/Beings.

- We are mindful that Oursel-f/(-ves) as any Man or Woman of Eternaly Mutual and Commited Oneness of Flesh and Being, that all other Women are our sisters and brothers' other halves of being(s), and that all other Men are our brothers and sisters' other halves of being(s).




- We are mindful if our brothers or sisters are fully clothed and covered of their nakedness.

- We are mindful of our brothers or sisters if they are walking and truly believing that all things God Created are Good (1Timothy4), and if they need to be reminded, or if they already know the truth and want to rather believe any lies.

- We are mindful if our brothers or sisters are blessing and not cursing or the other-wise.

- We are mindful of our brothers' and sisters' will(s) to do good or other-wise to do evil.

- We are always mindful and happy that our brother(s) or sister(s) have their predestined and purposely made Eternal Oneness of Flesh and Being just as we do Oursel-f/-ves, having or not having at any present time with all Liberty for every Man & Woman to Mutualy Commit and Eternaly Have.

- We know our brother(s) is(are) our sister(s)'s other hal-f/(-ves), & our sister(s) is(are) our brother(s)'s other hal-f/(-ves).

- We are always mindful of Our brother(s) and sister(s) Relationship(s) and "Inter-Relationship(s)" with God, Our Heavenly Father's Selfsame Indwelling Holy Spirit Of Eternal Life, and Our Earth-Wide Spirit and Truth community ongoing(s).

- We are mindful of our brother(s) and sister(s) and their stewardship of both abundance and/or lack in whatever area(s) of life that they may be -> (*2Corinthians8:12-15*) -> "....

your abundance will be a supply for their lack, and their abundance will be a supply for your lack, that there may be equality....".

- We are always willing to communicate of all fruit of the the Spirit, Love believing all things of our brother(s) and sister(s) in Spirit and Truth with all works of darkness exposed and destroyed. Communication means "communion" by "community" of "Spirit and Truth in Christ" as we are all different members of the same body with the same head.

- We are always mindful of Redeeming the times and all ministry of Reconciliation through these days and age/time(s).



- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM






