Fifth Bowl - Seventh Trumpet - Seventh Bowl (Current Present = 6th Seal-6thTrumpet-6thBowl) [:Euphrates 6th Trumpet+Bowl:] -> #7ThBowl : "...the kingdoms of this world have become(-*becoming*-)the kingdoms of our Lord(Heavenly Father)..." [:-*On Earth As It Is In Heaven*-:]
Fifth Bowl - Seventh Trumpet - Seventh Bowl (Current Present = 6th Seal-6thTrumpet-6thBowl) [:Euphrates 6th Trumpet+Bowl:] -> #7ThBowl : "...the kingdoms of this world have become(-*becoming*-)the kingdoms of our Lord(Heavenly Father)..." [:-*On Earth As It Is In Heaven*-:]
Al Jazeera (-River Euphrates Drying-) Coverage(s) : ->
Iraq's Water Crisis' :
Iraq and Iran's Main Water Supply Drying SINCE 2012/11, this specific issue that THE Euphrates River Flows right by and through "Tigris" of Iran, makes for THE 6TH TRUMPET AND 6TH BOWL of signs between the (-Seals-Trumpets-Bowls-) having SEVEN EACH, also in line with the 6th Seal but with such "Cosmic Eventuals" to note of since around the same year and date(s) of 2010/11/12.
Al Jazeera are also THE ONLY ONES I FOUND TO COVER THE YANGTZEE RIVER (longest in Cjina) THAT ***OVERNIGHT*** MYSTERIOUSLY TURNER BLOOD RED, likened to the River in a Village/Town/city called "Dedza", as well as both Russia and Scotlant, PLUS MANY OTHER PLACES OF NOTE OF THE FACE OF THE EARTH.
The reason why I'm commendably singling out "Al Jazeera" is because THEY MAKE SPECIFIC EFFORTS THAT SOME DON'T NOTICE, thie River Euphrates Signifinance ONE, the YANGTZEE RIVER A SECCOND (-Daniel 11 & 12 News From the East and North Troubling the King of the North 'multi-seatership(s)'-), this being some News From the East, as well as to note Russian and China's Economic uproar of scandal and exposed fraudulences of many kinds between 2016-2017/18, "tents pitched in the midst of the sea (-around the holy land - "to note of Spirit and Truth-), having found 2016-17 with so much news about Multi-Oceanic based Command-Posting and Land Oriented Activities, these happening to be majority Russian Aided due to their expertise in that specific underwater and Oceanic Based Multitude of Resourcefulness.
Dareen Always gets the juicy nuggets that so many overlook even more, why I love her attention to great detail of seemingly childlike insignificant obviously, by which I am in specific speaking of 2023's Mid-April Reveal of a "***TEN SPECIFIC***" of such nature mentioned of Revelation Chapter 17 which spills out from 18 making 19 to 20 the outcome, these "Ten Horns" that "Hate The Harlot(-city of principle tying giving to receiving and receiving to giving-)" and are written as "Burn Her with Fire" and a acreditable description of "Consumption" by the words "eat her flesh" (-the very flesh of tying giving to receiving being the 'deceived from noticing' freely giving and freely receiving, each of which are taken advantage of in sorcerous deceit as if they do not exist to promote and enforce the tying of each to each inversly-).
She, as usual, literaly picked this out of a very important digression into the "Holy Site" Violence which was basicaly sparked by Overlapping "Globaly Man-Oriented-Religious Reffencial Time-tabling" having Easter (-Secular Christian-), Passover(with "Hannukka" derivatès), Ramadan(Basic-Fast-Based-Islamic-General), and Hammas(Basic-Fast-Pro-Extra-Islamic-Right-Wing-General) : ALL OVERLAPPING AT THE SAME EASTER WEEKEND CONJUNCTION -> SUCH HAVING MANY VIOLENT EVENTFULNESS' THAT TRANSPIRED IN 2023 Al Jazeera Channel - قناة الجزيرة (-Salutations to Dareen On that War-Head of an "explosive revelation"-) : I Hope as many attentive viewers also did.
Having actualy met a number of the Al Jazeera Present Date Staff, (a handful), namely at a very prestigious journalism educative (-"dude it almost looked like a 'frat-convent' " would be a funny humour of comment to note it involved some maximum of 1 years for on the ground trainings and very many things of note when it comes to even basic investigative journalism or news reporting(s) that are inter-regional-), which was awesome to have that much privy at under 13 years old to have met even Dareen herself, obviously over 20 by then, and all this prior to anyone's chosen "where to work's " after training, and Al-Jazeera being one of Dareen's awesomest brain child ideas, though attackively attempted manipulates through growth and progress evident to at least 2003/5, where and as of usual Heart-Safe/Felt Charachter and Humility of Stewardhsip that Dareen has always had and is something of her person that she will never lose, she decided to maintain a staff hands on position at all times for no "power-struggle" or "comtrol-ish" reason, knowng exaclty what Our Heavenly Father Purposed through Her Love For The Truth always being Overall and Outright for all Goodness as Transparency And Such Spirit and Truth which are indeed the foundation(s) of Righteous Fruition.
#Revelation18SnapBack (Blog)
#RevelationMusicZimbabwe (Blog)
- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM