GOODS AND SERVICES, PEOPLE. AND STEWARDSHIP : - > (-Exponential-and-Logic-Incremental- Significance of Order-) [**2nd Upload**]
***Increasingly Increasing***
i) - EXPONENTIAL - Goods and Services by Surplus-and-Supply-Demand-and-Deficit/Access-and-Accesibility - Slowly Building up in seed and Fruition, then Applied Creativity and Manufact.
ii) - LOGIC - Goods-and-Services by Surplus-and-Supply-Demand-and-Deficit
[*Interchangeable-Inverse and Fluctuating accordingly-contextualy*] :
(-1-b-) ***Increasingly Increasing***
i) - EXPONENTIAL - When the "Surplus/Supply-and-Demand/Deficit" is increasing 'slowly-to-rapidly' across the 'Acess-and-Accessibility' axis, the "Service-Growth-and-Application" axis can be increasing to later accommodate more deflation/reciprocal decreas-e/-ing or spreading out of service(s) while the Supply-and-Demand by Surplus-and-Deficit balance accordingly in and through seasonal Fruiting/Fruition.
ii) - LOGIC - When the "Surplus/Supply-and-Demand/Deficit" balance is increasing rapidly-to-slowly across the 'Access-and-Application' axis, the "Service-Growth-and-Application" axis can be expanding or decreasing depending on their/it's specific kind, all the while the "Logic-al" rapid increase of 'Fruitfulness-in-Surplus/Supply-and-Deficit/Demand' and it's "slow-to-peak" fullness accompany the build up of Facilitating Supply-and-Demand.
****(Inter-Flux)**** - Between rapid growth and slow decrease, slow growth and rapid decrease, the balance of Fruitfulness, harvest and maintainance of such "store-housing" orients, gives the opportunity of multiple stewardships and their providing for acordingly to ongoing progress and process(-ing).
(2) -> PEOPLE MADE IN GOD'S IMAGE (-Man And Women-) :
***Increasingly Increasing***
PEOPLE -> [**Man-Kind as Fellow Stewards of The Fruit(s) of the Earth as Men and Women - > Our Fruitfulness and Multiplication as Fruit of The Womb/Loin-age**]
i) - Exponential - The slowly-to-rapidly growing Fruitfulness of man-kind made in God's Image, more in Exponential, related to the maintained growth of a person FROM FULLNESS TO FULLNESS/(*harvest-to-harvest*), makes that the Exponential in Our Case is Our Heavenly Father's blessing Stewardship on Earth as It is in Heaven, People AS-IN-LIGHT ONLY INCREASING, and fruitful to : "expected 'accompany' " of the very Fruitfulness we have to steward amongst one another.
ii) - Logic - the "rapid-then-slow-to-fullness" growth of People and person is noted of their involvement of stewardship to careful fullness of our heavenly Father's
(-3-a-) -> ****STEWARDSHIP**** (-Man-Made Example-> "Tying of Giving and Recieving"-) VERSUS "ON EARTH-AS-IT-IS-IN-HEAVEN" Example" and "Value" :
****SCARCIFIED MONETISM**** -> Always "DECREASINGLY DECREASING"[**Logic:45°+**] vs "Goods and Services + People : (**Freely Giving and Recieving OVER-COMING/-POWERING the Tying of Giving to Recieving and Recieving to Giving**)
i) - "Logic:45°+" - [:-*ON IT'S SIDE ON THE Y-axis IN A DOWN-HILL Exponential to "-nil"(-nothing-)*-:]
(-3-b-) ->****STEWARDSHIP**** (-Spirit and Truth Reality ON Earth AS IT IS IN Heaven-) :
Freely giving & Freely Recieving
ii) - Exponentialy Increasing (-Eternaly-Stable-) :
**** ACTUAL Value and Purpose ****
The Exponential Curve being a RAPID-INCREASE TO SLOWING FULLNESS is what takes on the shape of that last 3rd Graph-ic orient called "scarcity-deprivation-and-poverty-maintainance", for sakes of it's vesselage getting it's value from being less available more than fully available for all to all's fullness.
The 3rd Curve is a down-hill "from-fullness" to "-nil", but already it's attempted existence, having only itselfAS A HIDNRANCE to Stewardship and NOT A LUBRICANT to the functioning of anything, between these 3 graphic-al's, it made note of that the ever-increasing-increase of both the fruits of the earth as well as Life itself and the fruits of it such as knowledge, experienve, creativity and sus-t-ul-ance BY AND OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER.
- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM