Claims of "SMOKE-/VAPOUR-LESS Campaigns" & their Demise upon self - (-Campagining Against God's Creation On Earth As It Naturaly(*"super" inclusively*) Is In Heaven-)

Always to note, if some do not awaken from the man made politics of dust of the earth, they will have problems trying to police if anyone has breathed enough for the day or five seccons let alone themselves(-even when asleep-), BECAUSE OF "thinking(s) that there is/are any such thing(s) as 'steam and cloud control' (-firmamentular/smell poltics-) by "smokeless/vapour-less 'goal-declarities' " (-meaning THE VERY AIR THEY ALREADY BREATHE WHENEVER & WHEREVER-ALWAYS-) and NOT ***ADMITING THAT THEY CAN SMELL THE FOOD THEY ARE CHEWING AND TASTING, THAT THE NASAL AND MOUTH PALATE ARE ONE, AND THAT BREATH AFTER EATING FOOD DOES NOT STINK WITH SPIRIT AND TRUTH INTER-ACT-UAL DISCERNMENT***, whom may resort to attempting to become the "policers of chicken eating", or "regulators of saliva excret-ors", even " 'noise of chewing' co-ordinators" and " 'sound(s) of drinking sips and breathing' dictators", even "bacon advisors" without cause for fats sake, BUT FOR FACTS SAKE, and with all faith in Jesus Christ whom made all things good without partiality of the same image by Our Heavenly Father, the social fabric between the only existence of male and female amongst mankind is at lean stake with the blades of worldliness "sniper-ing" from the un-watchful towers of division, even tormenting any idea or understands of ETERNAL ONENESS OF FLESH AND BEING MADE IN THE SAME IMAGE OF THE ANGELS THROUGH CHRIST IN GOD, in who's day we walk without fear of twilight and any in sheeps clothing, what the world calls "man-hood", and "woman-hood", perverted by the continual "comb-ing(s)" between inter-twined hypocritival variants that are exampl-ified (e.g.) in the so called "ideology" of the color pink "as though 'it is only a girls colour', " though when looking at all natural things that Our Heavenly Father Has made of such, or ourselves as people, it having to do with the "innermost-ness", anyome familiar with their own mouth's inside or to look at their hands palms and see such 'tint/texture', to rectify with contextual rendering of those natural THINGS from where any manufact "colourization is extracted from", such FLOWER(s) and FRUIT(s) of plants and "nature" being pink for many and even other colors, not to effemin-ate, even if given any "towardsness" to "the female kind", again, NONE OF FEMALE/WOMAN BEING WITHOUT PRE-DESTINED OTHER-HALF-NESS OF ETERNALL ONENESS OF FLESH IN DIRECT DESIGNATES OF A SINGULAR MALE/MAN, therefore in the "COUPLED-OUT" 'compli-ment-ion' bearing it VOID of "being a color only for girls/females/women", though this not "about the color pink", or blue, or red, or green, all these THINGS GIVEN TO US FOR THANKSGIVING IN CHRIST JESUS THROUGH WHOM ALL THINGS ARE MADE ESPECIALY PEOPLE ***IN GOD'S IMAGE*** GIVEN DOMINION OVER AND ABOVE ALL **THINGS, ***such mentioned " 'dusts of the earth'-'man made politics' "***, being of much "SUPERSTITION(s)" towards "Old Wives Fables", EVEN THE WORD OF GOD AND THE UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT "GARMENTS OF WHITE" MEANS, *BEING CLOTHED WITH **RIGHTEOUSNESS***, black garments of Full COVERING (-what clothing means-) still in the very same LIGHT of full covering, the righteousness being the covering of one's physical nakedness or body wether male or female (-Do not confuse that with Isaiah 58 "hide not your 'nakedess' " refference of **NOT HAVING OF ONE'S OWN SUFICIENCY/LACKING ANYTHING-daily provision** as though it we're a shame because the Lord ALWAYS PROVIDES-), the very fabric of existence in mention of Male and Female being attacked by normalized and politicized infringement of this very kind of man made TEACHING AND DOCTRINAL ORDINANCE THAT GOD HAS SET FROM THE BEGINING amongst the 3 Area's of life being, (1)-Things,(2)-People being man/Men & woman/Women, and (3)- stewardship of those things-fruits of the earth and life, so many like when Given Paul that a Woman shouldn't 'Instruct a man' and to 'learn in silence from her own husband', THAT 'orient and **:derived: directive kind**' of "INSTRUCTING" ALL BEING OF >>>ANYTHING TO DO WITH ONENESS OF ETERNAL FLESH AND BEING<< AS ORDAINED BY GOD OUR HEAVENLY FATHER AND CREATOR AMONGST FELLOW BRETHREN AND SISTEREN ALL WITH THEIR OWN MUTUALY DESIGNATE ONENESS' OF FLESH AND BEING, TO EVEN ALL FRUIT OF IT BEING HERITAGE TO THE LORD AS LITTLE BROTHERS AND SISTERS FROM OUR LOIN-AGE/WOMB-AGE AS WELL AS THOSE OF OTHERS, these matters being affectual of the effemin-itiz-ation of man and inverse-masculization of women towards any "embrace" of "same sex marriage(s)", as if any such thing ever we're or of norm, dug down to its most bottom root to be of FAITH AND ANY EMBRACE OF UNDERSTANDING WITH AND OF GOD EVEN TO ACKNOWLEDGE HIS EXISTENCE AND IDENITY OF US, only this being the first broken Foundation towards darkness, the bitterness and painful 'encounts' amongst life's entails of experiential orients AMONGST PEOPLE THAT ONLY EXIST AS MEN AND WOMEN, having THAT VERY FABRIC OF BREACH TO FIX, AND TO OUR(-mankind's-) REPENT FROM SHAME(s) TO GLORY, the same foundation that when broken of anyone orienting the torment of social injustices and discriminations against faithfulness and commitment of any kind, even just as simply amongst sisters and brothers, causing confusion towards THE TRANCENDANT (-above brother & sister-) ONE AND ONLY SINGULAR GLORIOUS TO GOD RELATIONSHIP THAT ANYONE EVER HAS WHICH ALSO MAKES UP THE "GOD RESPECTIVELY" ADMIRED STATUTE OF OUR COMPRISED COMMUNE IN SPIRIT AND TRUTH OF SISTERS AND BROTHERS EARTH-WIDE AND AS PEOPLE OF ETERNALY ONGOING MANY IN ALL KINDS, those who had been coerced and tormented by conspires and active reproach of adversity by non-acknowledgement THAT WE ALL HAVE AN ALREADY DEAFETED BUT STUBORN ENEMY IN SPIRIT AND NOT THE FLESH AMONGST US CALLED THE DEVIL, WHICH KNOWS THAT IT'S TIME HAS BEEN, AND TO SUCH STUBBORNESS', SHORTER THAN SHORT ITSELF AND OVER, ESPECIALY WITH OUR COMMUNITY UNDERSTANDING OF EARTHWIDE SPIRIT AND TRUTH AMONGST.

The many that have been convinced towards bitterness of self and loss of identity to same-sex ideology, ARE BUT A STONE'S THROW OF THE SAME EXACT PLACE AS THOSE OF MULTIPLE HUSBANDRY IN 'THE SAME SEX's' ABANDONING OF ETERNAL ONENESS OF FLESH AND BEING', WHICH IS OF GOD IN CHRIST FROM THE BEGINING FOREVER MORE, only taken advantage of by the un-acknowledgement that teaching and doctrine with revolves around the consists of these Honoured Selves We Are In Christ of Each Marriage Bed's blessing in the fruitfulness and productivity of life, not only just by the fruit of the womb but all avenues of the Stewardship of the fruits of the earth and inter-social interacts all around without exclusion, that being one of the biggest targets, if not the biggest itself, that the enemy uses to deter anyone even of themselves away from growth and continuity towards progression, even to "iso-type" in surrounding "multi-stereo" dilution of any singular peoples towards community conspirscies that they need not assume as their person of self (-"typicaly-isolate by false witness 'stereo type' of themselves") [:-* often TRULY THE VERY TRAITS OF THE PERSON/PERSONS IN FORGE OF CONSPIRACY *-:], the same kind of thing that demonics in spirit do to every individual that any of us are, BUILT TO RESIST AND CONFIDE IN THE RESISTENCE's ALREADY OVERCOME-NESS OF/WITHIN THE OVERCOMING, also to mention in specific concerns of those "LGBT" VICTIMS of "lies spun on, and, from 'lying continuity' " to points of being made to have no identity with people made in God's image through Christ, but identifying themselves with animals an inanimate objects in describe(s) which are food and consumables for people, where even animals in creation (Genesis1-2) know of themselves that they we're not pronounced as "male and female" of any kind of "across-the-board-ness", even if described the kind of interact for them, like horses, there being sea horses which A-SEXUALY REPRODUCE, EACH SES HORSE HAVING NEITHER MALE OR FEMALE KIND OVER TIME THEIR SEED COMING FORTH IN CONTINUITY (-no need to describe prey-ing mantis' in context of people-), are just as many other kinds of fish and animals, even birds, Genesis saying the earth "***teemed with living things***" just like the sky and oceans did, MAN WITH LITERAL DIFFERENCE FROM ALL OTHER THINGS BEING MADE IN GOD'S IMAGE, GOD SAYING (-Gen1:26-28[*27*]-) ***TO THE ETERNAL ANGELS AND HEAVENLY HOSTS OUR FELLOW BRETHREN (with sister-en) IN CHRIST (-Revelation19:10-)***, " LET US", for that very reason, IN HIS IMAGE He made us Male-and-female, meaning Men-and-women, ALL WITH EACH's MUTUALY ETERNAL CHOICE OF HIS HONOURING THE (-*marriage/oneness-bed*-) ETERNAL *FAITHFULNESS AND/IN COMMITMENT* OF EACH's UNION OF BEING amongst all others being brothers and sisters of, and with their own(s), 

The attack on this portion of life is in experientialy MANIPULAT-ED/-ED doctrinal waters of denail towards "inordinaté-comparison(s)", " '3rd party reasonings' even of things and complications of foundation(s)", even the fruit of the loin-age/womb-age BEING FRUIT **FROM** the ETERNAL FAITHFULNESS OF ONENESS OF FLESH-BEING, not " 'binders-of' themselves" in any way, [:*-yes it/they/we is/are enterily founded on faithfulness, God's honouring has the entirety of Life's blessings in all things that follow inclusively of seeking his kingdom*-:], such robbery from truth being the exageratè cause of all characterized and man made behavioural missunderstanding FROM THE HEARTS INNER-MOST AND OUTWORKED OF BEING(s).

That is a very long singularly paragraphed writting of, but in full context of the actual problems that many only make any denial of because of "some other numberings/statisticization" of people tormented and bitterly grouped, as mentiomed, otherwise HAVING BEEN ENTIRELY TAUGHT WITHOUT(s) OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER's HOLY AND INDWELLING SPIRIT OF LIFE AND ETERNAL TRUTH IN LIGHT BY CHRIST.

Knowing that "To lust on a man/woman(brother/sister) is 'as bad as having done it' ", does not mean it is impossible, IT MEANS ***YOU WE'RE NEVER MADE THAT WAY AND ACTUALY ARE NOT***, only ***TAUGHT*** OTHERWISE by the world of man made perversions, and do not ever need to do so, HAVING YOUR SANCTITY IN THAT ETERNlTY OF ONENESS OF FLESH AND BEING, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT HAVE IT(Him/Her) RIGHT NOW and chose to remain as you are, wether after many departed froms one-self, knowing of the promise that is and is to come of, firstly, the 1000 year reign with Christ, which is evidently (not yet) HAVING ***NO SUCH THING AS MONEY*** OF THE BABYLONIAN HARLOT CITY's tying giving and receiving <-***--:[:--***-> the beast taken, the false prophet take, and cast into the eternal lake of fire, at Christ's coming <-:-> (1)-those alive whom received the mark, (2)-those alive who did not receive the mark, (3)-those thay died not receiving the mark, (4)-those that died receiving the mark <-:-> (A)-those alive that received the mark being SLAIN BY THE SWORD OF JESUS' MOUTH, (B)-those that had diee from the begining of time NOT RECEIVING ARE RAISED, but THE REST OF THE DEAD DID NOT LIVE UNTIL THE 1000 YEARS WAS OVER, the devil bound and in the bottomless pit, Gog and Magog our offspring, being the only one's able to be deceived <-***--:]--***->THIS PRESENT TIME EVEN THOUGH WITH MANY TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS ONLY COMING TO ENDS AND IN OVERCOMING(s), SOMETHING OF BLESSING TO WEATHER AND JOURNEY WITH ONE'S ETERNAL ONENESS OF BEING UNTIL THEN (-1st resurection-) INTO ETERNITY, but if not had, still not void of GOD'S PREDESTINED PURPOSE AND REASONING OF ETERNAL ONENESS OF FLESH AND BEING FOR EVERY MAN AND WOMAN BORN INTO EXISTENCE (-like said, it suposed to be had FROM THE BEGINING to all eternity of the 1st resurection-).

-TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM

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