1/3 - the interesting relationship between Pi (3.145) & "1/3 Recurrence" (3.3333333->>*)

I might not be a programmer, but I know a certain programer's "Truth of/in humour"  :

QUESTION : "how do you Program a 'randomizer?' " 

ANSWER : "...you don't/can't..."

.....As if it's a proverb.......

Fact of IT and "digital interfacing", e.g. as mentioned, "Randomizing", if you've ever had a mp3 player and a software based playback device, when it comes to playlist making, there became this option to "SHUFFFLE" the playlist, but the ORDER never the same or any specific amongst the playlist or database of music.

The shuffle works on the same basis as the mention I made about the synthetic samplers in a D.A.W., (-Digital Audio Workstation-), specificaly of my own experience "Toxic-Biohazard", (-probably why it was called that, but learnedness by wisdom and most importantly FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS THROUGH WHOM ALL THINGS ARE MADE will tell you more-).

It had a function to be able to "randomize" presets for sounds so you could from there tweak them to specific desire after sampling them after after each randomizing cycle (-hopefuly not a random randomizing randomizer cycle lol-).

The point though, if you have done mathematics and know what 1/3 is, when you divide 1 by 3, you get a recurring 3 -> .333333333333->> (suposed "INFINITE") - [depending on application] e.g. measurement for wood, it's contractual and expantial firmamentation being amongst the "string" of recurring 3's, a different one for each metals, etc and this should be understood based on physical reality's CONSTRUCTIVE FIRMAMENT-IALITY [-constructive separation/interaction of the waters above and below : e.g. evaporation-].

So basicaly, at a programed targeting, like I said, hopefuly not random also, as the randomizer,er of the Sampler-Synthesizer Plugin modulated the presets across a "1/3" TO SPARK THE RECURRING .3333 - it again STOPS AND CLOSES THE ONGOING RECURRENCE BY A TARGETTED, (-absolutely certain using 1/2-) [:Certain because otherwise it can "clip" BURNOUT:] and this purpose isn't to randomizer again anyway, you want to select from the resultant AND THEN MANUALY TWEAK EACH PRESET BY HAND YOURSELF ***FROM THE RESULTANT*** <that's called DISCIPLINE>.

The problem with some people not understanding the depth of 1/3, Dividing 1 by a 3rd, well, the book of revelation ALSO has this specific number, for sakes of "newbies" to the understanding, to note such arguments of man made so called "science" that dispute "light", well, there is a lot from productivity and constructive application that has to do with it, and a number know as PI that is used to (aparently) measure the "average" area of a physical object, besides the exact-ness of measurement taken at any time.

Knowing anyone will tell you about the "Perfect Circle Myth", or "Perfectly straight line", from what I just said there about FIRMAMENTIALITY, should bring everyone to realise THE PERFECTION IF LIBERTY, and how that also applies across the board in all that I have mentioned here as well as other things in Life, so many people falling prey to the deception of calculus e.g. trying to calculate God, when Our Heavenly Omnipotent Eternal and Everlasting Father by His Son Jesus Christ Through Whom we are all made IS ALWAYS GOOD AND NOTHING ELSE BUT LIGHT, that much not "calculatable", but OBVIOUS

Lol, then people think artificial inteligence ELECTRICAL CIRCUITRY IS ANYTHING ELSE EXCEPT THAT, no, basicaly that is the begining of it. 1/3 = .3333333 -> recurring without stop : - this is actualy AN OVERLOAD ELELECTRICALY, BUT DIGITALY IT JUST TAKES UP SPACE MULTIPLYING THE DIVIDING TOWARDS NOTHING TRYING TO STOP, (-e.g. typing on a calculator 1÷3, but the strip to show the numbers won't tell you based on when the charge DISSIPITATES FROM THE BATTERY AND "HALF-LIFE's OUT" to 4 ROUNDUNG UP the last 3 to 4, and Halfing at 5, OR, to note certain other people's hopes of a "ROUNDING DOWN from the last 3 to 2, but this debate being concerning in many ways, reverse polarity of circuit, and the outcome, BECAUSE IT WAS AND TO DAYE IS NEVER CONSISTENT-) ****WHICH IS DANGEROUS**** AND JUST BLOWS A FUSE YOU WONT KNOW IMEDIATELY, also, it being a "ROUND-DOWN" of 3-2, is weakening, so there's no overload, it's actualy UNDERLOAD, the oposite basicaly the same, BUT CONSISTENT IN THE 4 ROUND OF CAPPED BY A 5 FOLLOWING, again that's for numbering and digital circuits, where some things DO NOT APPLY TO ELECTRONIC ANALOGUE CIRCUITS "without 'chip micro-triode-transistor inter-martix-es'(-digital AND SELF GROUNDED/INSULATED-)"


at the first ->1<- there is -4 from half (.5), the seccond ->4<- is the oposite one less from half, then the 3rd is again like the first one ->1<- being -4 from (.005), the 5th IS THE CLIP ***BUT -->>LEVEL HALF<<--*** (0.0005) and the number goes on as calculate SLOWLY TO IT'S FRUITION BUT TO DATE, THERE AS MUCH AS I EXPLAINED OF ***FIRMAMENTATION*** (-contraction and expantion-[: for a reason :]-) BEING THE BASIS e.g. **OF MEASUREMENT**, makes the ongoing from the begining of it 


....apa/here I HAVE BARELY ANY HANDS ON EXPERIENCE ON SOLDERING AND TO NOTE SUCH "micro-triode" manufacturing with my own eyes etc... lol, I honestly hate the evils that people do with what our Heavenly Father Has given us through and in Christ for all goodness of mankind eternaly

- TeQ NiQ - Kudzai Simbarashe David Murapa - KSDM